It doesn't learn Dig through level up. You can, however, teach it Dig through TM.
Aaron to Lairon at lvl 32, Lairon to Aggron at lvl 42.
The Pokemon Aron evolves into Lairon starting at level 32 and Lairon evolves into Aggron starting at level 42.
when it gets to lvl 40 or 41, Note that its trapinch who learns dig, not vibrava or flygon.
Aron evolves into Lairon at lvl 32 and will evolve again into Aggron at lvl 42, so no stone is needed.
Zubat will learn it at lvl 29 Golbat will learn it at lvl 33 Crobat will learn it at lvl 33 Gastly will learn it at lvl 8 Haunter will learn it at lvl 8 Gengar will learn it at lvl 8 Duskull will learn it at lvl 38 Dusclops will learn it at lvl 43 Dusknoir will learn it at lvl 43 Misdreavus will learn it at lvl 19 Murkrow will learn it at lvl 41
Lairon does not learn Dig naturally, however it can learn it by using the appropriate TM.
No, the TM Dig is required to teach Lairon Dig. It cannot learn Dig by leveling up.
Aaron to Lairon at lvl 32, Lairon to Aggron at lvl 42.
lairon evolves into aggron at lvl. 42
It evolves into Lairon at lvl. 32 and then Lairon evolves into Aggron at lvl. 42
Get Lairon To Lv42 and it will evolve into Aggron
The Pokemon Aron evolves into Lairon starting at level 32 and Lairon evolves into Aggron starting at level 42.
Lairon evolves into Aggron at the level 43 :) cheers! have fun !!
aron evolves into lairon at lvl 32 and then into aggron at lvl 42
if you don't have the TM dig on EMERALD version, only the following Pokemon can learn dig: SANDSHREW- Lv 41 NINCADA- Lv 41 IF THEY EVOLVE, THEY WILL NOT LEARN IT!!!!!!
when it gets to lvl 40 or 41, Note that its trapinch who learns dig, not vibrava or flygon.
Aron will evolve into Lairon at lvl32. Then Lairon will evolve into Aggron at lvl42.