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In Pokemon Pearl and Diamond Onix first learns Mud Sport, Tackle, Harden, and Bind. It can learn Screech (Level 6), Rock Throw (Level 9), Rage (Level 14), Rock Tomb (Level 17), Sandstorm (Level 22), Slam (Level 25), Rock Polish (Level 30), Dragonbreath (Level 33), Iron Tail (Level 38), Sand Tomb (Level 41), Double-edge (Level 46), and Stone Edge. (Level 49)

In Pokemon Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver, its move set changed slightly to Curse (Level 38), Iron Tail (Level 41), Sand Tomb (Level 46), Double-edge (Level 49), and Stone Edge. (Level 54)

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Q: What levels does onix learn moves?
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In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the moves that Onix can learn via level-up would include Rock Throw, Tackle, Mud Sport, Harden, Screech, Bind, Rage, Sandstorm, Slam, Rock Tomb, Double-edge, Iron Tail, Rock Polish, Dragonbreath, Sand Tomb and Stone Edge.

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