Electabuzz, by default, knows Quick Attack, Leer and Thundershock and will learn the following moves at level:
If you'd like more in-depth information such as attack types and power, check out this link:
Focus punch and psychic
He doesnt learn ice punch
cool moves I'm telling u kgg yeah km ge gs
it mostly learn it at lvl 40+or lvl 51
It learns Harden at level 7, and that's it.
Quick Attack, Leer, ThundershockThundershockLow KickSwiftShock WaveLight ScreenThunderpunchDischargeThunderboltScreechThunder
A lot of moves are great but Thunder has to be the best or Thunderbolt or Discharge or Thunderpunch!!
IKJnhbvcfgk.jhgfzdfghjjgkk ha
Cyndiquil can learn the same moves as Quilava and Typhlosion, just at lower levels.
Mew learns a move every 10 levels.
search serebii.net
Focus punch and psychic
Use Tms so it can learn moves at any level
Electabuzz, by default, knows Quick Attack, Leer and Thundershock and will learn the following moves at level:07 - Thundershock10 - Low Kick16 - Swift19 - Shock Wave25 - Light Screen28 - Thunderpunch37 - Discharge43 - Thunderbolt52 - Screech58 - ThunderIf you'd like more in-depth information such as attack types, power and his TM/HM list check out this link:http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/125.shtml#attacks
He doesnt learn ice punch
only at certain levels.
Go to the move tutors in Blackthorn City.