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You have to trade kadabra to evolve it but it doesn't need any object

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Q: What level kadabra evolve in fire red?
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What level does kadabra evolve in fire red?

You have to trade it

What level will kadabra evolve in Pokemon fire red?

Kadabra evolves into Alakazam when you trade it.

What level does Abra evolve for the third time in Pokemon fire red?

it evolves into kadabra at lv.16 then into alakazam(trading)

What level does Kadabra evolve into Alakazam in Gold?

You have to trade it with someone for Kadabra to evolve, then you can trade back so you have Alakazam like in red/blue.

What level does Abra evolve at in fire-red for the game-boy?

Abra evolves at Level16 into Kadabra. You need to trade it in order for it to evolve into Alakazam.

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On which level does Kadabra evolve?

Kadabra evolves into Alakazam when traded. (Abra evolves into Kadabra starting at level 16). Kadabra is #64 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation I Pokemon titles (Red, Blue, and Yellow) where it could be found (Red and Blue Only) in Cerulean Cave, and (Yellow Only) on Route 8. In Generation VI (X and Y), Abra is obtainable on Route 5, but is a very rare encounter. ____ Kadabra does not evolve based on level; you need to trade it to someone else, then it will immediately evolve into Alakazam.

What level does Kadabra elvove to Alakazam in Pokemon fire red?

All you have to do is trade it to a friend.

How do you evolve kadabra to alakazam in Pokemon fire red?

Kadabra can only evolve by being traded, then traded back. Hope this helped.

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Level 23.

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Level 55.