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16, but you have to beat rayquaza to evolve him

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Q: What level does torchic need to be to evolve in Pokemon rescue red?
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What level does torchic evolve at in pokemon sapphire?

torchic involves into combusken at level 16

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Torchic evolves into Combusken at Level 16.In Emerald it is at Level 17.

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I don't believe there is a Pokemon indigo but torchic, in all games I know of, evolve at level 16

At what level does Torchic evolve in Pokemon Pearl?

Torchic evolves into Combusken at Level 16, then it evolves into Blaziken at Level 36.

Pokemon ruby what level does torchic evolve?

Lvl 16 into Combusken

What level does Torchic evolve in Pokemon Y version?

Torchic evolves into Combusken starting at level 16 and later into Blaziken starting at level 36.

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Magnemite will evolve at Level 30 in Blue Rescue Team.

How do you evolve Torchic in Pokemon Indigo?

Level it up to level 16 into Combusken then level 36 to make it into Blaziken.

What level does torchic evolve in mystery dungeon?

The same level as in the other Pokemon games, lvl 16

What lvl Torchic will evolve to combusken?

Torchic evolves into Combusken at level 16 and Combusken evolves into Blazekin (awesome pokemon, mine's al level 100) at level 36.

What level does duskull evolve at in Pokemon Red rescue team?

Duskull will evolve at Level 37 in Red Rescue Team.

What level does torchic evolve in Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team?

Lvl 16 just like all starters than Lvl 36.You evolve it. It evolves at lv.16 into Cumbusken and at lv.36 into Blaziken.At level 16.