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It evolves at level 38.

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Q: What level does the Pokemon axew evolve?
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How does axew evolve in Pokemon black?

You can evolve an Axew at level 38

What level does axew evolve in Pokemon white?

Axew starts to evolve at lv. 38.

What level does Axew evolve in Pokemon black?

Axew evolves to Fraxture at level 38.

What level does Axew evolve in Pokemon?

Axew can evolve into Fraxure at level 38, and Fraxure can evolve into Haxorus at level 48. Axew is number 610 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation V games, Black and White.

What level does axew evolve?

Axew, the Tusk Pokemon evolves to Fraxure at Lv. 38 and from Fraxure to Haxorus at Lv. 48

What level doas a axew evolve on Pokemon white and black?


When does axew evolve in?

Axew evolves into Faxure at lv.38. Then at 48 into Haxorous.

Who evolves from axew?

Axew does evolve into Fraxure at level 38. Fraxure does evolve into Haxorus at level 48.

How do you evolve Axle on Pokemon White?

If you mean Axew, he evolves into Fraxure at level 38.

How do you make axew evolve?

axew evolves into fraxure at level 38

How do you evolve axew?

Get it to level 38, at which point it will evolve into Fraxure

What level does axew evolve at?

It evolves at level 38 into Fraxure