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Tentacruel doesn't evolve, it is the final form of that pokemon. If you mean what level does Tentacool evole it is level 30.

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Q: What level does tentacruel evolve at?
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What level does tentacruel evolve?

Tentacruel is not in it's final stage of evolution, and could be evolved further. And it's last evolution u need a tentacruel to hold a razor fang and level it up to LV. 83 and it will evolve into Tentafang. Have Fun with Tentafang!!!

What level does tentacruel have to be to evolve in Pokemon diamond?

Tentacruel does not evolve, however TentaCOOL does. It evolves into tentracruel at level 30. -Jpuff

What does tentacruel evolve at?

Tentacruel doesn't evolve, it is the final form of that pokemon. If you mean what level does Tentacool evole it is level 30.

When does tentacool evolve in pokemon diamond?

It evolve in level 30 into a Tentacruel

Can a tenticool evolve at level 60?

Yes, but it cannot evolve into a Tentacruel before level 30.

At what level does tentacool evolve Pokemon Emerald?

Tentacool evolves into Tentacruel at level 30.

When does Tentacool evolve?

Tentacool evolves into Tentacruel at level 30.

Does tentacool evolve at level 40?

Tentacool evolves into Tentacruel at Level 30.

What level does tentacool evolve at in emerald?

Tentacool evolves into Tentacruel at level 30.

What does tentacrule evolve at?

Tentacool evolves into a Tentacruel starting at level 30. Tentacruel is the final evolution at this point in the game.

What level does tentacool evolve in Pokemon Emerald?

Tentacool evolves at level 30 into Tentacruel.30

When does tentcool evovle on pokemon platinum?

It evolves into a tentacruel at level 30. If you catch one above that level however, it will evolve the next time you level up.