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Q: What level does starapter evolve?
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What level does strarapter evolve?

Starapter does not evolve.

What level does starapter evolve a?

starly 14 staravia 34 staraptor does not evolve

How do you get starivia to evolve on Pokemon diamond?

Nothing specail, though Starvia is hard to train. Level it up to level 45. Then you'll have a awsome Starapter!

Where can you find a starapter already evolved to catch in platinum?

you cant your going to have to evolve a staravia at lvl 30

What kind of level does staravia evoles into starapter in Pokemon Diamond version?

lvl 34 and after it evolves it will learn close comabt

What level does zigzagoon evolve at?

It is suppose to evolve at the Level of 20,but if you want it to evolve later it can evolve anything after it is at Level 20.

How does teddiursa evolve?

It will evolve by level. Teddiursa will evolve into a Ursaring at level 30.

What level do scorpi evolve?

They evolve on level 40

What level does prinplup evolve?

They evolve at level 36

What level does combuskin evolve at?

It will evolve at level 36.

What level Does bisharp evolve?

it evolve on level on 64

Where is starapter in Pokepark?

In the Granite zone