Shinx can learn Tackle, Leer (Level 5), Charge (Level 9), Bite (Level 13), Spark (Level 17), Roar (Level 21), Swagger (Level 25), Crunch (Level 29), Thunder Fang (Level 33), Scary Face (Level 37), and Discharge. (Level 41) It can learn these TMs and HMs as well: Roar, Toxic, Hidden Power, Light Screen, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Return, Double Team, Shock Wave, Facade, Secret Power, Rest, Attract, Thief, Charge Beam, Endure, Flash, Thunder Wave, Captivate, Sleep Talk, Natural Gift, Swagger, Substitute, and Strength.
Level 20 is when it learns Spark, and then he starts to learn all sorts of other moves like Discharge.
lv 13
Shinx learns tackle leer charge bite spark roar swagger thunderfang scaryface and discharge
7 8 or 9
no it can not
Level 20 is when it learns Spark, and then he starts to learn all sorts of other moves like Discharge.
it needs level 18 if it did not learn it at level 12 when it was a shinx
lv 13
find a shinx near sandgem town and get it to level up some levels and it will learn some electric moves
Shinx learns tackle leer charge bite spark roar swagger thunderfang scaryface and discharge
It will hatch knowing Tackle At level 5 it'll learn Lear At level 9 it'll learn Charge At level 13 it'll learn Bite (only in DP) At level 13 it'll learn Spark (only in Pt) At level 17 it'll learn Spark (only in Pt) At level 17 it'll learn Bite (only in DP)
7 8 or 9
Shinx is not capable of learning its Egg Moves by level instead you will need to breed a female one with a male Pokémon in order for the resulting Pokémon Egg to hatch into Shinx that would know one of its Egg Moves. In Pokémon X and Y, breeding a female Shinx together with a male Blaziken that knows Double Kick would allow their Pokémon Egg to hatch into a Shinx that knows Double Kick. Breeding a female Shinx together with a male Smeargle that knows Double Kick, Fire Fang, Night Slash and Ice Fang would result into a Pokémon Egg that hatches into a Shinx that knows Double Kick, Fire Fang, Ice Fang and Night Slash.
Shinx evolves at level 16
no it can not
The moves Shinx will know in Pokémon Diamond are Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Charge, Leer, Tackle, Spark, Bite, Roar, Swagger, Crunch, Thunder Fang, Scary Face, Discharge, Toxic, Roar, Frustration, Return, Protect, Light Screen, Hidden Power, Rain Dance, Iron Tail, Double Team, Secret Power, Facade, Rest, Attract, Charge Beam, Thief, Endure, Thunder Wave, Flash, Captivate, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Swagger and Substitute.
Level when you get it