rilou evolves when he likes you alot i suggest that you feed him poffins and keep him at the front of your team and never let him faint i know because that's how myne evolved. and if you do that he might evolve on leval 34 36 38 40or 41
It is suppose to evolve at the Level of 20,but if you want it to evolve later it can evolve anything after it is at Level 20.
It will evolve by level. Teddiursa will evolve into a Ursaring at level 30.
They evolve at level 36
It will evolve at level 36.
it evolve on level on 64
level it up to 30-50th level. ANd yr rilou is spelled wrongly, it is riolu.
Rilou Evolves Into Lucario At Level Thirty With Happyniess PEACE,OUT!!
it eloves at a high freindship lavel
In order to evolve Rilou you have to become great friends with it.
you need the sun ribbon
Well, to be honest, it can evolve once its happy enough.Yep this is one of those evolutions that can evolve at anytime. Mine evolved at level 56 or 59. It was level 36 when I transferred it from Pokemon pearl onto my Pokemon white game. I'm nine and I beat the entire game in a week with the help of my Lucario.
you cant. on iron island team up with riley till you get to the end of the cave then he'll give you a rilou egg.when the egg haches level him up. "friendship evolve". or if you have a exp share you can give it to rilou "make sure rilou is in your pary" get one of you strongest Pokemon and battle Pokemon that it's level are higher than rilou and he will get some points and rilou's level goes up . hope this helped.
It evolves when you level it up on a high friendship level between 4:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
You need to have Rilou happy with the egg the man gives you at Stone Island during the day. Go to
riolu evolves via friendship
Riolu evolves by happiness during the day.
Riolu is a fourth generation baby Pokemon. It will evolve into Lucario when its happiness is maxed and it is leveled up during the day.