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Prinplup evolves into Empoleon on level 36. Piplup evolves into Prinplup on level 16.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

I Just evolved my prinplup & it evolves at lv. 36.

Hope I could help.

Kind Regards, Brandons888.

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Q: What level does prinplup evolve in Pokemon platinum?
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What level does prinplup evolve at in Pokemon platinum?

level 32

What level does priniplup evolve at in Pokemon platinum?

Prinplup evolves into Empoleon at level 36.

Where do you see Prinplup in Pokemon Platinum?

You have to choose Piplup as starter pokemon, that you receive from Prof. Rowan, then at level 16 it will evolve into Prinplup.

What level does piplup evolve in platinum?

It evolves at level 16,To Prinplup (Evolve Prinplup to Empoleon at 36) :)

What level does piplup evolve at Pokemon platinum?

He evolves at level 16 into A Prinplup,then he evovles at level 36 into Empoleon

How does a prinplup evolve in platinum?

Level 36

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Prinplup evolves at level 36

How do you get empolen on Pokemon pearl?

Once your Prinplup is level 36, he will evolve. Once your Prinplup is level 36, he will evolve.

What does prinplup evolve to in platinum?

Prinplup evolves into Empoleon at either level 36 or 40

In Pokemon what is prinplup's evolution?

first piplup then evolve him at level 16 to prinplup finally evolve at level 36 into empoleon

What level does prinplup evolve on Pokemon diamond?

Prinplup evolves into Empoleon at level 36.You can teach it Surf once you get the HM.Your prinplup will evolve on lvl 36.

What Pokemon evolve in Empoleon in Pokemon indigo?

In Pokemon Indigo Prinplup is the Pokemon that evolves into Empoleon and it will evolve into it at Level 36 however Prinplup would've evolved from Piplup at Level 16.