It doesn't evolve at a specific level. You have to get a Dusk Stone and use it on Misdreavus to change it into a Mismagius.
- hello_snoopy22
misdreavus does not level evolve into mismagius it evolves by using a dusk stone
Misdreavus doesn't evolve
You can use a dusk stone to evolve a Misdreavus. The best time to do this is when it reaches level 41.
i don't have a misdreavus but i would try to get it at a level 30-40 if that dose not work then use a stone to evolve it something like a dark stone would work. i hope this helped even though i don't really know. :)
It doesn't. You can teach it Shadow Ball with TM30, or have your Misdreavus level up to level 37 before evolving it.
misdreavus does not level evolve into mismagius it evolves by using a dusk stone
Misdreavus doesn't evolve at a certain level. It evolves into Mismagius when it's exposed to a Dusk Stone.
it dosent evolve, but it is the evolved form on misdreavus
Mismagius does not evolve on Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. It evolves from a Misdreavus when exposed to a Dawn Stone. Courtesy of Josh, England.
Logically speaking, Mismagius is a evolved Misdreavious and is a higher level.
Misdreavus doesn't evolve
you have to use a dusk stone. Level doesn't matter
You can use a dusk stone to evolve a Misdreavus. The best time to do this is when it reaches level 41.
Misdreavus doesn't evolve through leveling. You must use a dusk stone on it to make it evolve. You can find a dusk stone in Victory Road or the Galactic Warehouse.
i don't have a misdreavus but i would try to get it at a level 30-40 if that dose not work then use a stone to evolve it something like a dark stone would work. i hope this helped even though i don't really know. :)
It doesn't. You can teach it Shadow Ball with TM30, or have your Misdreavus level up to level 37 before evolving it.
misdreavus does not evolve at a certain level, you need to get a dusk stone and use it on it, it will evolve into a mismagmius, yes the same Pokemon fantina uses in the gym match you have with her. hope i helped you in any way