Level 1- Scratch, Leer
Level 9- Low Kick
Level 15- Karate Chop
Level 21- Fury Swipes
Level 27- Focus Energy
Level 33- Seismic Toss
Level 39-Thrash
Level 45- Screech
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level 28
28. be careful.
he,i have the best Pokemon team ever.rayquaza lvl 100 - dragon claw - surf - ice beam - flyvenusuar lvl 100 - razor leaf - sleep powder - frenzy plant - sludge bombentei lvl 100 - flamethrower - blast burn - earthquake - etcetcThis is not a very helpfulanswer, considering most of those Pokemon are not available without GBA trades.Personally one of the strongest teams include:- Vileploom (evolved from oddish>gloom)Or; If Venusaur(evolved from bulbasaur) was your starter, use it instead- Raichu (evolved with thunderstone from pikachu)Jolteon makes a good electric type having higher sp. attack and speed than Raichu- Primeape (evolved from a Manky)Or; If Blastoise was your starter (evolved from a squirtle) use it instead- Mewtwo (caught in cerulean cave, be sure to save before battling him)Or; until you can catch Mewtwo, use another Psychic type Pokemon, such as a gengar or haunter (evolved from ghastly)- Dragonite (evolved from dratini>dragonair, purchse at the casino for creds, be sure to teach it a range of moves, ice beam and fire blast + 2 dragon type moves work very well to counter all enemies)- Charizard (final evolution of the charmander starter Pokemon)Or; If you did not select charizard as your starter use another fire Pokemon with a high Sp. Atk, Moltress or Arcanine are the best choices.Really? My party is this:-Mewtwo (can use alakazam/kadabra do replace mewtwo)Moves:Shadow BallPsychicIce BeamRecover-Moltres (can substitute with charizard or arcanine)Moves:FlamthrowerOverheatFlySafeguard-LaprasMoves:Ice BeamWaterfall (just incase i need to go up one)PsychicThunderbolt-DragoniteMoves:ThunderboltSurfFlyOutrage-TyranitarMoves:EarthquakeRock SlideCrunchTrash-Raichu (can replace with jolteon if you want)ThunderboltThunderQuick AttackThunderwaveBTW this is a VERY offensive and all rounded-type team, so if you plan on using this team to endure eg. catching a legendary, put blissey in there somewhereHope this helped!P.S. If your wondering how to get an all-rounded party, i suggest you rack up some cash and spend it on the gamec corner, cause you can win TMs:-Thunderbolt (4,000 coins)-Flamethrower (4,000 coins)-Ice Beam(4,000 coins)-Iron Tail(3,500 coins)-Shadow Ball(4,500 coins)__________________________________________________________________You need Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald to get Rayquaza and everything so unless you've got that version you wont be able to get Rayquaza. I'm saying this because the first suggestion included Rayquaza and a bunch of other legendary Pokémon. I would advise anyone who reads this to think practically. I am a competitive Pokémon trainer which means I pay close attention to stats and experience gain.Your Starter: First I would start off with whatever starter you'd like. There is no wrong answer, they're all good! I happen to like starting with Charmander for special reasons. He was my first starter when I was five. I really like Squirtle as well though. I just started Fire Red over two days ago actually, and I had a hard time choosing between them because I wanted a really good Blastoise but at the same time I love Charmander. Anyway, whichever one you choose is likely to be your go to move.Natures and Stats: If you don't understand Pokémon natures, I highly recommend that you look into that. Natures decide the Pokémon's stats. If you get the Pokémon you're looking for with a great nature, it makes it significantly easier to take down elite four members.A Balanced Team: A team with a variety of different Pokémon types makes it easier for you to counter other trainers, wild Pokémon, gym leaders, etc. So a team with, for example Charizard, Rapidash and Arcanine in it will definitely give you a tough time. The Elite Four member Lorelli uses water and ice type Pokémon. Fire type attacks WILL do damage, but not enough to finish Lorellis Pokémon in one hit. However, having a bunch of different typed Pokémon will allow you to pick and choose your battles.Suggested Teams:Okay finally we get to the good part. The stuff mentioned before is only optional. If you want a team with all Fire Pokémon, you can do that. Pokémon is an RPG. (Role Playing Game) You get to do whatever you want. If you don't care about the Pokémon's natures, that's okay too. It is all up to you. Now, here are my own suggested teams with moves, natures, everything.Team:-Charizard (Nature: Modest or Timid)FlamethrowerDragon ClawFlyBlast BurnNote: I would NEVER use this set in competitive battling, but in Fire Red you have limited choices. This is a good moveset for Fire Red, if you plan on migrating to Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Diamond, Pearl or Platinum, you can change that up later. Charizard is among everyone's favorite starter. Charizard has great special attack and good speed. Getting one with a timid nature usually ensures Charizard going first. Despite it's extreme weakness to rock types, it is a great Pokémon to have during the Elite Four.-Nidoking (Nature: Adamant or Jolly)EarthquakeRock SlideMegahornBrick BreakNote: Nidoking has always played an important role in my Fire Red games. He is a total powerhouse given the right stats and moveset. I highly recommend training one of these! Nidoking's stats are very balanced. With the right moves and nature they make great sweepers to take down the Elite Four.-Jolteon (Nature: Modest or Timid)ThunderboltHelping HandBiteThunder/Rain DanceNote: Okay, so unless you have your heart set on a Raichu, I would go with Jolteon. He is hands down the best electric type in Fire Red. I never liked Helping Hand, but I realized that when in double battles, helping hand is very...helpful. Rain Dance pretty much ensures accuracy from Thunder as well as powers it up, same for Thunderbolt. Jolteon has amazing speed and great special attack making it a great special sweeper. It absolutely crushes Lorelli's team in the Elite Four.Pidgeot: (Nature: Adamant or Jolly)ReturnSteel Wing/Sand AttackAerial AceFlyNote: Pidgeot is a decent Pokémon and it's pre-evolution Pidgey is great for new trainers to start out with as their first caught Pokémon. With the right nature and moves, Pidgeot can be a killer. Some people are gonna hate on me for including Sand Attack in the suggested moveset, but it IS helpful. Sometimes when you're in a bad situation, you don't want the opponent to attack. Sand Attack lowers accuracy. If you can endure hits to land 3-6 Sand Attacks, the opponent rarely gets to hit you giving you time to heal, raise stats, etc. Fly is good for getting around and it has decent power to it. Return is a great move, though some don't realize it. Along your journey through Kanto, your Pokémon, if raised well, with become happier. If you train a Pidgey to a Pidgeot, it is bound to be at full happiness. Return becomes more powerful depending on how happy the user is. At max happiness, this move has physical 104 damage. I typed a lot on this one. :P-Dragonite (Nature: Adamant or Modest)OutrageThunderboltSurfIce BeamNote: Okay, if you look, all of these moves are special moves not physical. Getting a Dragonite with an Adamant nature with make it weaker in Fire Red, but it will give it great potential if you plan on migrating it to one of the more recent games given physical moves. (Outrage is special in generation 3 but in Generation 4 upwards it is Physical.) If you plan on keeping it in Fire Red for good, or simply having a special sweeper Dragonite, I recommend getting one with a Modest nature. Dragonites are massively powerful in Fire Red. They are extremely helpful when taking down gyms, the Elite Four, and anyone else that gets in your way. (Namely your stupid rival.)-Snorlax (Nature: Adamant or Brave)Body SlamRestSleep TalkFocus PunchNote: Snorlax are very good to have in your party. They make very good Tanks. Body Slam is a powerful physical move with normal type STAB. (Same Type Attack Bonus, which means moves that are the same type as the user have extra power.) If you get low on health just use rest and then sleep talk. Sleep talk might use rest again doing nothing, and Focus Punch doesn't work with sleep talk. (At least I don't think.) However, it is better to possibly use body slam instead of waiting for your fat lard to wake up. Focus Punch, if given the opportunity, delivers massive damage to the opposing team, but you have to time it. If the opponent hits your Snorlax while it is focusing the move will fail. Again it takes timing. Adamant or Brave natures will both work the same, except Brave nature will make you slower while Adamant lowers Snorlax's unused special attack stat.The same for all of the starters. Here is a suggested moveset for the other two.Alternative Starters:-Blastoise (Nature: Bold or Modest)SurfIce BeamToxic/ProtectHydro Pump/ProtectNote: Blastoise is among everyone's favorite starter. A bold nature will raise defense for those of you who want your Blastoise to be a bit more durable. The modest nature is for those who want a Blastoise with more power to it's attacks. Surf is a very powerful move for Blastoise, Hydro Pump is there if you feel you need to use a little more power. Ice beam handles grass type Pokémon exceptionally well. Toxic is a great move especially when paired up with protect, so if you'd rather have both, Hydro Pump isn't a necessity. If you want to keep Hydro Pump, choose between Toxic or Protect.-Venusaur (Nature: Calm or Modest)Sunny DaySolarbeamLeech Seed/Giga DrainToxicNote: Much like Blastoise, the natures chosen for Venusaur depends on whether you want more power for your Venusaur or more durability. Sunny Day fully powers Solarbeam so you don't have to charge it up every time. Solarbeam is an extremely powerful special grass type attack. Leech Seed is great for gradual HP gain. Giga Drain is a decently powerful move that regains HP depending on how much damage is dealt gaining health in large amounts in one move. (Half the of the HP taken from the opponent is added to your HP.) However, leech seed gains health slowly, but you can use other moves while this is happening. You choose. Finally, as mentioned before, Toxic is great. This time though, it will not be paired up with protect. Poison your opponents then leech seed them and watch their health fall to zero is a short amount of time.That's it for this, I hope you enjoy these teams. Good luck and remember to catch em' all! XDJ-Slash
Level 28
Level 10
At level 28, mankey can evolve into a primape.
Mankey does evolve at lv. 28 in Fire Red / Leaf Green
level 28
manky never evolves...leave him in the wild where he belongs. ;(
28. be careful.
Only in Pearl u can get it
You can find it on route 225 and route 226 after you obtained the National Dex...
Manky - video game - happened in 2009.