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Houndour evolves at level 24 into Houndoom.

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Related questions

What level does Houndour evolve?

Houndour evolves at Level 24.

In platinum what level does houndour evolve?

Houndour evolves at level 24 into Houndoom.

What does houndoom evolve into?

Houndour evolves into Houndoom at level 24

Can you catch Houndour in Ruby?

No. Houndour is available in Emarald,though.Therefore,you must ccatch Houndour in Emerald and evolve it if you want Houndoom.

When does a houndour evolve?

Houndour evolves into Houndoom at level 24.

Can houndour evolve on Pokemon Emerald?

yes Hope this helped =]

When does houndour evolve in heartgold?

Houndour evolves into Houndoom at level 24.

What level does houndour evolve if caught at level 36?


What level does houndour evolve on Pokemon platinum?

level 25

Can houndour evolve in Pokemon ruby?

Yes, Houndour evolves to Houndoom at level 24.

What level does houndour evolve on Pokemon pearl?

it will evolve at a level 24 and if you use a rere candy it i will evolve faster

What level does houndom evolves in emerald?

houndoom doesnt evolve, but if you actually mean houndour, it evolves at any level if you get it from the safari zone 1 rare candy=one evolution