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at no level. You must level it up at night holding a razor fang.

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Q: What level does gligar evolve in pokemon white?
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What level gligar evolve into gliscor in Pokemon white?

Give Gligar a Razor Claw and level it up at night.

What level does gligar evolve in Pokemon black and white?

Gligar does not evolve into a Gliscor via leveling up normally. You have to level it up at night while it is holding a Razor Fang.

What level does Gligar evolve on Pokemon white?

gligar evolves when you give him a razor fang to hold and level him up at night.

When does gligar evolve in Pokemon Crystal?

Unfortunately Gligar does not evolve in Pokemon Crystal, it only evolves in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black and White.

How do you evolve gligar on pokemon white?

same way you evolve it in previous games. level it up at night while it holds a razor fang

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Emolga does not evolve. I played Pokemon White also and it does not evolve. Some Pokemon do but this one does not evolve.

How do you evolve gligar in Pokemon white?

Okay.To get a Gliscor to evolve form a Gligar,you have to gaive it a Razor Claw and level it up at the time between 8:00 pm to 4:00 am.If it doesn't work, there's something wrong with Pokemon Black or White.So it's not my fault it doesn't work okay!?

What level does victini evolve in Pokemon white?

He does not evolve.

How do you evolve gligar into giscor in pokemonm white?

Attach a Razor Fang to it, level it up at nighttime (8:00pm-4:00am) and it will evolve.

What level does Chubchoo evolve in Pokemon White?

In Pokemon White and Black, Cubchoo will evolve into Beartic at level 37. You do not need to trade or use any items to evolve this Pokemon.

What level does kadabra evolve in Pokemon White?

He does not evolve by level he evolves when u trade to another Pokemon black or white game

What level does Togepi evolve in Pokemon white?

You have to evolve it with its happiness level at 220.