Ghastly evolves into Haunter at level 25, and Haunter evolves into Gengar when traded.
Ghastly will evolve at level 20.
25 into Haunter and then if u trade Haunter he evolves into Gengar
Krabby will evolve into Kingler at level 28.
level 36.
Vulpix evolves at level 100. does not. can only evolve with fire stone.
Ghastly will evolve at level 20.
Haunter at level 25
Level 25 into Haunter, then trade to make it Gengar
Gahstly will evolve at lvl25 to Haunter then trade haunter to evolve to a Gengar.
Ghastly is the name of a Pokémon that is Poison-type and Ghost-type at the same time. It has two evolutions known to date. The first one is Haunter, in which Ghastly becomes once it reaches level 25. Once as Haunter, it can be evolved to Gengar through Trade with another trainer.
In Pokémon FireRed, Gastly evolves into Haunter at Level 25.
Ghastly evolves into Haunter at level 25. Then Haunter evolves by trading.
Evolve Ghastly. Ghastly can be found at White Forest. Evolve it into Haunter at level 25 and then evolve Haunter into Gengar by trading Haunter.
25 into Haunter and then if u trade Haunter he evolves into Gengar
Ghastly evolves at a level 25.
Krabby will evolve into Kingler at level 28.
level 36.