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Only in Pokemon HG & SS is one of dratini's egg move and you can get one if you complete the elder's quiz in dragon's den in blackthorn city in the Johto region

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Q: What level does dratini learn extreme speed?
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What level does Dragonite learn extreme speed?

Dragonite doesn't learn extreme speed through level up, nor from other pokemon by egg breeding. The only way to get a Dragonite with extreme speed is from HG/SS version in Dragon's Den, after giving the old geezer guy inside the right answers for his test. If you answer correctly he'll give you a Level 15 Dratini with extreme speed. However, giving him a slightly wrong answer he'll give you a regular Dratini.

When does Lucario learn extreme speed?

at level 51 it will learn extremespeed

What level does rapidash learn extreme speed?

they dont

How do you get a dratini that knows extreme speed in Pokemon soul silver?


What Pokemon learn extreme speed?

1.I think Garchomp can 2. Arcanine learns it at level 49 and then Lucario can learn it too.

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He cant learn any moves after you evolve him from growlithe with a firestone. -Wirets Edit- You are wrong, Arcanine can learn moves after you evolve it. At level 33 it can learn Extreme speed.

How do you get a dratini that knows extreme speed?

It depends on what game you have. In other words, only in HG/SS. If you go to the shrine in the Dragon's Den, a guy will ask you some questions. If you get them all correct, he will give you a Dratini with Extremespeed.

Can scysor learn extreme speed at on pokemon platinum?

No, Scizor is incapable of learning Extreme Speed in Pokemon Platinum.

How to get an extreme speed draniti in Pokemon heartgold?

To get the Dratini with the move Extreme Speed in HeartGold OR SoulSilver Versions, you just need to pass the elder's challenge in the Dragon's Den, exit the Dragon's Den, and re-enter and talk to the elder again.

Does vulpix learn extreme speed?

Vulpix cant learn extreme speed You can check it at if u want to know

What are the answers to the dragons den questions in soul silver to get the dratini with extreme-speed?

You just gotta act like Ash (with his "I love Pokemon!" Attitude).

How does dragonite learn extreme speed?

first you have to get a dratini with extremespeed which the dragons den elder will give you if you answer all his questions correctly then it evolves into dragonair at lvl 30 and then it evolves again into dragonite at lvl 55