i think it evolves at lv.32, and if you haven't caught one they live in celestic town and you use a super rod to catch one
Crawdaunt are not available in the wild. The only way to get one is to evolve a Corphish (starting at level 30).
sorry i have the evolve in dimond it is level 44 so if that helps i think your corphish will be evolved by that level i am 100% sure i did not use a stone good luck evolving it
At level 30 But in platinum catch him with a good or super rod in celestic town and level him up once
Emolga does not evolve. I played Pokemon White also and it does not evolve. Some Pokemon do but this one does not evolve.
tentacool, magnemite, voltrob, dranti, croconaw, flafffy, teddiursa, smoochum, elekid, magby, larvitar, carvanha, barboach, corphish, bagon, luxio, cranidos, sheildon & shellos
Corphish evolves into Crawdaunt at level 30.
Corphish is a water type of Pokemon. In Pokemon Battle Arena, it will evolve if you manage to raise it to a level 30.
Corpish will evolve at level 30
it evolves with friendship
Lvl 30
Train it to Level 30
it evolves at lv 32
You don't level up Scyther for it to evolve. You have to trade it with a metal coat attached.
Same as always, level 30. level 30 he evolves into crawdaunt
Corphish evolves into Crawdaunt at level 30.
Corphish is a water type of Pokémon in Pokémon Diamond Pearl and Platinum. It evolves when it gets to level 30.
Level 30.