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Q: What level does clampearl evolve at?
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What level does clampirl evolve?

Clampearl doesn't evolve on any level, you need to traded it holding deepseatooth or deepseascale. Deepseatooth makes Clampearl evolve to Huntail and deepseascale makes Clampearl evolve to Gorebyss.

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When you hit it with a clampearl

What level does clampearl evolve in Pokemon emerald using a deepseatooth?

you need to trade and then it will evolve.

What level evolve clampearl into huntail?

clampearl doesn't evolve from level ups. It evolves from holding things during trades. Deep sea tooth for huntail Deep sea scale for gorebyss

How do you evolve a clampearl?

Give it a deepseascale (girl) or deepseatooth (boy) and level it up

What level does clampearl evolve in Pokemon sapphire?

Clampearl doesn't evolve by leveling up. Clampearl can either evolve into Huntail or Gorebyss. To get Huntail, you have to choose to receive the Deepseatooth from Capt. Stern in exchange for the Scanner and then have Clampearl hold it while trading. To get Gorebyss, you have to choose to receive the Deepseascale from Capt. Stern and then have Clampearl hold it while trading. You have to choose one or the other. You cannot choose both.

What does a deepseascale do in Pokemon emerald?

The Deepseascale evolves a Clampearl into a Gorebyss. If you have a Deepseatooth your Clampearl can evolve into a Huntail YOU NEED TO TRADE YOUR CLAMPEARL FOR IT EVOLVE.

What do you do with a deepseatooth?

If you give it to a Clampearl and then trade said Clampearl it will evolve into Huntail or if you give Clampearl a Deep sea scale and trade it it will evolve into a Gorebyss

What level does clampearl envolve?

If you mean "evolve," it will evolve into a huntail if you trade it while holding a deepseatooth and into a gorebyss while holding a deepseascale. No level requirements.

How do you evolve clamperl to huntail?

you evolve clampearl into huntail by giving clampearl deepseascale then traning it to correct level. (you must have gone to abandoned ship and got scanner and gave it to capt.stern and asked for deepseascale for it to work)

Does clampearl evolve?

Yes it does

What level does huntail evolve on ruby?

you can't evolve huntail once it's a huntail to get gorebyss, trade a clampearl holding a deepseascale