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It evolves at level 25

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Q: What level does cherubi evolve into cherim?
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Related questions

Where do you find a cherim in diamond?

You cannot 'find' a cherim in Pokemon Diamond. You must first catch a Cherubi, and then level it up to where it can evolve into a Cherim.

What does cherubi evolve into in Pokemon pearl?

it evolves into cherim

Where can you find cherim in Pokemon diamond?

You have to evolve Cherubi at level 25. It isn't posseble to find a wild Cherim, you wil have to catch a Cherubi by spreading honey on a tree and come back for it later while the tree is shacking, or you could just get Cherim by trading in the Global Trade Center.

Were to see cherim in Pokemon diamond?

slather a tree and hope for a cherubi. catch and evolve.

Does cherubi evolve?

Yes, Cherubi evolves into Cherrim at level 25.

How do you make Cherubi evolve in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Level Cherubi up to level 25. It will evolve into Cherrim.

Where to find a cherim in Pokemon diamond version?

By catching Cherubi from honey trees, and leveling it up to level 25.

How do you find a cherim?

Cherrim is an evolution of Cherubi, so it can't be found in the wild. You have to catch a Cherubi and evovle it at level 25. Cherubis are found on certain honey trees.

What level does cherubi evolve in soul silver?

Cherubi evolves into Cherrim at level 25.

What level does cherubi evolve into in Pokemon pearl?

Cherubi evolves into Cherrim at level 25.

How do you evolve cherubi into cherrim?

Cherubi evolves into Cherrim at Level 25.

When does cherim evolve?

Do you mean when it changes it appearance or if it evolves into Cherubi? Well for the 1st answer it changes its appearance in sunny weather, and for the 2nd answer it evolves at lv 25