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Chatot learns sing at level 13.

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Q: What level does chatot learn sing?
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What level does chatot learn sing in diamond?

level 25, then he learns surf and rock throw. XD

What Pokemon are capable of learning sing in Pokemon platinum?

a chatot can learn sing

What level does chatot learn chatter in Pokemon diamond?

level 21. if chatot is above that level, and doesn't have the move, go to the move tutor in pastoria city

What Pokemon knows sing on Pokemon Diamond?

Chatot can learn sing. You can get one by trading a buizel with a boy in Eterna city.

What level does chatot learn hyper voice?

Level 45. It's the last move it learns.

In Pokemon pearl what level does chatot have to be to get chatter?

chatot has to be level 21 to get the move chatter

Pokemon Diamond chatot?

To get a Chatot in Pokemon Diamond- 1.) You can go to Eterna City and in the first floor of the building next to the Pokemart a Buizel for a Chatot named Charap. The Chatot will be the same level as the buizel you give to him. 2.) You can go to Route 213 for a Chatot level: 23, 25 3.) You can go to Route 218 for a Chatot level: 28, 30 4.) You can go to Route 222 for a Chatot level: 38 5.) You can go to Route 224 for a Chatot level: 52, 54

What level does Jigglypuff learn sing?


How do you hear chatot speak?

If you want to record your own call for chatot, here's how you do it: You must first have Chatot learn the move Chatter at level 21. You can then (outside of battle) use chatter like any of the HM moves. Select it, and then say what you want to hear when you send out Chatot. and that's it. It'll sound exactly like you do (or did when you spoke into the mic).

What level does chatot evolve at?

Its fake

What does chatot evolve into?

Apparently chatot evolves into Paratot, at level 52no chatot does not evolve or are you talking about Pokemon

What level does chatot learn chatter?

They appear in Route 224 and 222 during the morning and day, but they have a 20% chance of appearance.You can also trade a buizel for a chatot but you can only do that in can do it in Pokemon diamond i done it that's how i saw it in my pokedexif you just want to see chatot you can go to a guy called Jeremy he has one hes just below hearthome just keep going downYou can also lure it in with a BOTTLE OF WIN!