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Q: What level does Vaporeon learn water gun on Pokemon leaf green?
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What lv does vaporeon learn hydro pump?

Vaporeon learns Hydro Pump at level 71.

What level does Vaporeon learn ice beam?

Vaporeon learns Ice Beam at level 36 in Generation I. In subsequent generations, Vaporeon must be taught Ice Beam by using a TM or TR.

What are Vaporeon's moves and when does it learn it?

at any level like 45,57

At what level will Ivysaur learn sweet scent on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Ivysaur will learn sweet scent at level 29 in Pokemon fire red and left green.

What level does Vaporeon learn aroura bean on platinum?

At lv. 36

What level does Vaporeon learn ice beam at?

It doesn't learn Ice Beam by level up. It can learn it by TM13 in all generations though.

In pokemon leaf green what level should Diglett be to learn dig?

In Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen, Diglett can learn Dig at level 17, which is a nice and early level for a good move.

What Pokemon is the best a lapras or a vaporeon?

It depends on what you like. Both are very powerful Water type Pokemon. Lapras has a very high HP stat whereas Vaporeon has a high HP stat and a high Special Attack stat. They both have the ability Water absorb. Water Absorb is great is battling other water type Pokemon. Vaporeon continues to learn attacks until level 71, but Lapras stops learning attacks at level 55. It depends on what you like.

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At lv. 32.

When does pidgey in Pokemon leaf green learn gust?

I think it learns it on level 9

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level 45 in fire red leaf green

How do you level up Vaporeon?

the same way you would as other Pokemon, by battling, or by exp. share