You need eternal happiness and then level up to evolve togepi to its second stage and then you need a sun stone to evolve it into togekiss. ________________________________________________________________________ No, that is TOTALLY wrong. You will have to make Togepi become very happy so it can evolve into Togetic. Then use Shinystone on it to evolve it into Togekiss.
Level 30.
Togepi evolves with maxed hapiness to you. After that, use a Shiny stone on your new Togetic and you get a Togekiss!
level 36
yes, but you have to level up togepi with high enough friendship.
you need to make togepi's happiness value 220
You need eternal happiness and then level up to evolve togepi to its second stage and then you need a sun stone to evolve it into togekiss. ________________________________________________________________________ No, that is TOTALLY wrong. You will have to make Togepi become very happy so it can evolve into Togetic. Then use Shinystone on it to evolve it into Togekiss.
No. You must evolve it into a Togetic.
it should evolve when its fully happy mine evolved at thirty two
sorry no trainers have a togetic in Pokemon soul silver but you can get a togetic when you get a togepi evolve it by happiest and it will evolve to a togetic.
Level 18.
Level 26
Level 25
level 28
Level 30.
Level 37.