Sceptile learns false swipe at level 59. This Pokemon evolves from Grovyle at level 36. Sceptile is a final form but using a mega evolution stone, does have a mega evolution.
absol and sceptile
False Swipe was not available as a TM until Generation IV. However, Marowak and Sceptile can learn that move.
At level 18
you can only get false swipe in the d/p series. in emerald,sceptile learns it at lv 59. i dont have any other clue.The only (capturable without trading) Pokémon that can learn False Swipe in Emerald are Sceptile, Nincada, and Zangoose.Sceptile learns it at level 59. If you chose Treecko as starter, train it until it's evolved into Sceptile and then up to level 59.Nincada learns it at level 25. (Keep it from evolving via giving it an Everstone or pressing B whenever it wants to evolve until then).Zangoose learns it at level 55.I know that nincada learns it after the level it is supposed to evolve, so keep it from evolving at it should learn it quickly. as for a TM, I do not think there is one.
no in infernape can not learn false swipe
absol and sceptile
False Swipe was not available as a TM until Generation IV. However, Marowak and Sceptile can learn that move.
Level 39
At level 18
you can only get false swipe in the d/p series. in emerald,sceptile learns it at lv 59. i dont have any other clue.The only (capturable without trading) Pokémon that can learn False Swipe in Emerald are Sceptile, Nincada, and Zangoose.Sceptile learns it at level 59. If you chose Treecko as starter, train it until it's evolved into Sceptile and then up to level 59.Nincada learns it at level 25. (Keep it from evolving via giving it an Everstone or pressing B whenever it wants to evolve until then).Zangoose learns it at level 55.I know that nincada learns it after the level it is supposed to evolve, so keep it from evolving at it should learn it quickly. as for a TM, I do not think there is one.
It can learn false swipe. It can learn false swipe.
grovlye, sceptile, nincada, and zangoose learn it by leveling up. nincada learns it at lvl. 25, and zangoose learns it at lvl. 55. im not sure about Pokemon that can learn it by TM tho... hope this helps! =] marrowack can learn it not sure what level though -------------------------------------------- EDIT: There is no TM for the move False Swipe in the Ruby/Sapphire games, unfortunately, only in Diamond/Pearl. -------------------------------------------- lvl 100 wurmple,zigzagoon, magman, pikachu and electrike
no in infernape can not learn false swipe
No, Rayquaza cannot learn False Swipe.
Cubone at level 27. Scyther at level 13. Sceptile at level 59. Nincada at level 25. Zangose at level 44. Gallade at level 45.
well sceptile starts learning new attacks as soon as you hit lvl 20 Sceptile learns attacks as early as level 6: Absorb Level 11: Quick Attack Level 16: Fury Cutter Level 17: Pursuit Level 23: Screech Level 29: Leaf Blade Level 35: Agility Level 43: Slam Level 51: Detect Level 59: False Swipe
at level 59 false swipe