It doesn't evolve you have to use a thunderstone, but in Pokemon yellow you can't do that to your pikachu unless you get another one from Red or Blue.
Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at level 29.Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at Level 29.
It evolves at level 42. It evolves into glalie.
You have to use a dusk stone on it and you will get a chandelure
Pikachu learns slam at level 21.
Pikachu learns thunderbolt at level 26.
Pikachu evolves into Raichu when given a Thunderstone.
in platinum what leve does staravia evole
at level 36
level 1
level 40
Level. 2
level 14
at level 48
Level 24
It evolves at level 42.
level 28 or level 29
level 20