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I think he learned it at level 24 or somewhere around that!

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Q: What level does Gyarados learn dragon rage?
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What level does Gyarados learn thrash?

Im not sure how or when gyarados learns thrash, but it does learn dragon rage at level 25 you have to get it at level 1..or move tutor with heart scale

How do you get the six bage in Pokemon emerald?

Its simple go to fortree city and battle the gym leaderr with your gyarados NOTE: Gyarados has to learn dragon rage

When does Gyarados learn moves in Pokemon Yellow?

Gyarados should learn Bite once Magikarp evolves at lv 20. Gyarados will then learn Dragon Rage at 25, Leer at 32, Hydro Pump at 41, and Hyper Beam at 52. Gyarados will also learn moves if you teach it TMs and HMs.

When does Gyarados evolve?

Garchomp learns Dragon Rage as a Pre-Start move. So to learn the move you need a heart scale and to go to the move remember.

What level does druddigon learn dragon rage in Pokemon white?

level 305

What level does shelgon learn dragon rage?

Shelgon learns it at level 69

What moves does gyardos learn?

Gyarados can learn water,dragon and some flying type moves. It can learn useful water moves like surf, waterfall and whirlpool. It can also learn dragon moves like dragon rage and dragon breathe. Despite being a water type because it's secondary type is dragon it can learn the move fireblast. Hyperbeam makes Gyarados even more powerful.

What moves does Gyarados learn in emerald?

Gyarados can learn the following moves in Pokemon emerald: 20- Bite 25- Dragon Rage 30- Leer 35- Twister 40- Hydro Pump 45- Rain Dance 50- Dragon Dance 55- Hyper Beam

What moves does garadoes learn on Pokemon emerald?

In Pokémon Emerald, the moves that Gyarados are capable of learning through level up are Thrash which is a start move and then it will learn Bite at Level 20, Dragon Rage at Level 25, Leer at Level 30, Twister at Level 35, Hydro Pump at Level 40, Rain Dance at Level 45, Dragon Dance at Level 50 and Hyper Beam at Level 55.

What are the moves of the Red Gyarados from 1 100?

The Red Gyarados' moves from Level 1 to Level 100 are as follows: Thrash, Bite at Level 20, Dragon Rage at Level 23, Leer at Level 26, Twister at Level 29, Ice Fang at Level 32, Aqua Tail at Level 35, Rain Dance at Level 38, Hydro Pump at Level 41, Dragon Dance at Level 44 and Hyper Beam at Level 47.

When does gyrados get dragon rage in Pokemon pearl?

you wait till it grows level and soon it will learn that move

What moves does Gyarados learn in fire red?

lets see first get magikarp on to level 20 then it evolves and learns bite and then on level 26 it learns dragon rage and so on you can teach it other new moves and other thing catch a magikarp cause when it evolves it is awsome trust me lol