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Dragonite does not evolve. Dratini evolves into Dragonair at Level 30, and Dragonair evolves into Dragonite at Level 55. No Pokémon ever evolves more than twice, except via Mega Evolution, which Dragonite is incapable of.

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Q: What level does Dragonite evolve?
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What level does dragonite evolve in LeafGreen?

dragonite doesnt evolve

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Dratini evolves into Dragonair at level 30, Dragonair into Dragonite at level 55, and Dragonite doesn't evolve.

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Dragonair evolves into dragonite at level 56

When will your draganair evolve?

It will evolve at level 55--> a dragonite!

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Get it to level 55 to evolve it into dragonite

How do a dragonair evolve?

Dragonair evolve into Dragonite at level 55.

At what level Does Dragonair evolve at?

They evolve at Lvl 55 into dragonite (no kidding ive got one)

How does dragonair evolve to dragonite?

Train a dratini to level 36 then it will become dragonair.

When does Dragonite evolve in Pokemon LeafGreen?

dragonair evolves at lv 55 but dragonite doesnt evolve

What level does Dragonite evolve in Pokemon indigo?

level 40

How do you evolve dragonaire in Pokemon?

Dragonair will evolve into Dragonite at Level 55.

What route can you catch a Lv 55 wild Dragonite?

you can't. you would have to get a dratini and level it up to level 30 and it will evolve into dragonair. then level it up to level 55 and then it will evolve into a dragonite.