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Dratini to Dragonair: level 30

Dragonair to Dragonite: level 55

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Q: What level does Dragonair evolve in crystal?
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What you have to do in crystal to evolve dragonair?

Get it to level 55 to evolve it into dragonite

How do you evolve a dragonair in crystal?

Train it to level 55.

How do a dragonair evolve?

Dragonair evolve into Dragonite at level 55.

What stone evolves dragonair?

Dragonair does not evolve by a stone. To evolve a Dragonair, you must level it up to level 55 to get a Dragonite.

What level does a dandriti evolve at?

Dandriti evolve level 33 and that gets you a Dragonair and Dragonair evolves at level 55

How does dragonair evolve to dragonite?

Train a dratini to level 36 then it will become dragonair.

What level does dragonair evolve in Pokemon Crystal?

At level 45 or 55 depending on how you got your dratini at the first place...Kulwinder Singh!

What does dratini evolve into in Pokemon?

Dratini evolves into Dragonair, starting at level 30. Dragonair, then, evolves into Dragonite at level 55.

What level does Dragonite evolve in diamond?

Dratini evolves into Dragonair at level 30, Dragonair into Dragonite at level 55, and Dragonite doesn't evolve.

What level does dragoniar evolve in FireRed?

Dragonair will evolve at level 55.

What level doess dragonair evolve on in pokemon white?

Dragonair evolves at level 55

When he evolve Dragonair?

level 70