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Q: What level does Blastoise learn skull bash in fire red?
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What moves does Blastoise learn?

Hydro pump, Strength, Skull bash, Surf, Subbmishion, Sesmic toss, Water gun, Bubble beam, Bubble, Withdraw, Mega punch

What moves does Blastoise learn in Pokemon fire red?

In Pokémon FireRed, Blastoise learns the following moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Withdraw, Watergun, Bite, Rapid Spin, Protect, Rain Dance, Skull Bash and Hydro Pump.

What is the best Pokemon move for blastoise?

SKULL BASH or HYDRO CANNON:> It depends on your tactic. Skull Bash and Hydro Cannon are only the two strongest moves that Blastoise knows of, but not neccesarily the best. Hydro pump is also good. I taught my blastoise both Waterfall and Surf because I felt it good to have my starter Pokemon learn those abilities, since I'm always carrying it with me and often needs to surf the waves. Blastoise should have some of these moves, in my opinion: Surf (95 power), Waterfall (85 power), Hydro Cannon (150), Hydro Pump (120), Skull Bash (120) or Bite (65). Bite is good in the beginning when facing pshycich or ghost-types.

Which Pokemon is better piplup or Squirtle?

Piplup and Squirtle are both as good as each other, although in my opinion Squirtle is better. Piplup is Definitely a close comeback to Squirtle because at Empoleon it has two types which are a good combo, leaving less weaknesses and more strengths. Squirtle is better because it has a good attack and an awesome defence at Blastoise. Blastoise can also learn a move called shell bash or skull bash which is a two turn move increasing defence on the first turn and attacking on the second with 150 power.

What moves does blastiose learn?

hydro pump,skull bash,rain dance,ice beam,protect,withdraw,and surf

Related questions

What level does Blastoise learn skull bash?

At level 42, It is a 2-turn attack that has 100 Power and 80 Accuracy. Scope Lens is recommended.

What good moves do Blastoise learn on LeafGreen?

Hydro cannon, Earthquake, Ice beam, Skull bash.

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In Pokémon Yellow, Blastoise's only level-up moves would be Skull Bash and Hydro Pump. It would learn Skull Bash at Level 42 and it would learn its last level-up move at Level 52 which is the Hydro Pump attack.

How much damage does skull bash do when blastiose uses it?

In the current generation of Pokemon skull bash is a normal based attack with 130 base damage and 100% accuracy. The damage Blastoise can do with it varies greatly depending on a variety of different factors; including stats, IV's, EV's, nature, level, item of the Blastoise itself and the stats, IV's, EV's, nature, level, and item of the Pokemon.

What moves does Blastoise learn?

Hydro pump, Strength, Skull bash, Surf, Subbmishion, Sesmic toss, Water gun, Bubble beam, Bubble, Withdraw, Mega punch

What level does Squirtle will have skull bash in Pokemon mystery dungoen redrescue team?

Squirtle learns skull bash at level 40.

What are the attacks Blastoise learns in Pokemon Blue?

He will finish with Hydro Cannon Skull Bash Surf Ice beam

What moves does Blastoise learn in Pokemon fire red?

In Pokémon FireRed, Blastoise learns the following moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Withdraw, Watergun, Bite, Rapid Spin, Protect, Rain Dance, Skull Bash and Hydro Pump.

What is the best Pokemon move for blastoise?

SKULL BASH or HYDRO CANNON:> It depends on your tactic. Skull Bash and Hydro Cannon are only the two strongest moves that Blastoise knows of, but not neccesarily the best. Hydro pump is also good. I taught my blastoise both Waterfall and Surf because I felt it good to have my starter Pokemon learn those abilities, since I'm always carrying it with me and often needs to surf the waves. Blastoise should have some of these moves, in my opinion: Surf (95 power), Waterfall (85 power), Hydro Cannon (150), Hydro Pump (120), Skull Bash (120) or Bite (65). Bite is good in the beginning when facing pshycich or ghost-types.

What is Gary's Blastoise moves?

hydro pump, skull bash, rapid spin, bite, withdraw, hydro cannon, and water gun

Pokémon LeafGreen water type Pokémon?

I recommend a Blastoise with the moves: Hydro Cannon, Surf, Ice Beam, and and skull bash.

What Pokemon can learn the move Skull Bash in Pokemon Diamond or Platinum?

cranidos, rampardos and sheildon i think blastoise can if you have on if he cant well dont blame me i havent played it in a while it might be called something else