Level 16, you must also have a Friendly reputation in GED Jarlheim, unlocked dino valley (helped Nic) helped Helga with the summer house
I think you have to go to the ranch... Epona should be there.
when you are level 4 you unlock the intervention and 50 cal.
THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Links horse's name is Epona
you unlock it 3-4
get to level 48 and you unlock the ACR
I think you have to go to the ranch... Epona should be there.
the series never reveals epona's age
because you have connenting issues
how do you verify your acount on starstable.
Epona is Link's noble horse. If you have found her you can summon her by playing epona's song with the ocarina. Or with a reed on twilight princess.
ok the level is 12 and 13 level if you unlock it in level 12 then you will unlock scare crow hill in the 13 level if you unlock golden in level 13 then it will be level 14 to unlock scare crow hills
the only horse you can use is Epona
play the game with epona play epanas song
You unlock it at level 11.
You unlock it at level 14.
dash when your close to the gate and Epona will jump
You unlock it at level 36.