The silent letter for numb is b.
The letter m is silent at the beginning of mnemonic. The word means a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something.
The "n" at the end of the word "solemn" is silent.
annal, break, cabal, dream, eclat, float, gloat, horas, iotas, jihad, knead, lobar, molar, novas, okras, plead, quean, relax, stead, tread, ulnar, viral, wheat
That would be the K. Knead is pronounced like "need" instead of "kuh-need".
The word is "knead" (pronounced "need") for mixing bread dough by hand or machine.
A silent letter is a letter in a word that is not pronounced when the word is spoken. In the word "first," the letter "r" is silent and not pronounced.
The 'w' is silent in the word "answer".
The word "knead" (pronounced need) means to work the bread dough.Another homophone for need and knead is the word "kneed" (from verb to knee, also an adjective).
There is no silent letter in that word.
There is no silent letter in the word "black" c is silent in the word black
No, the word "crinkled" does not have a silent letter. Each letter is pronounced when saying the word.
The W is silent; wrong is pronounced 'rong'.
The silent letter in the word "adjust" is the "d." It is not pronounced when saying the word.
The letter that is silent in the word shoulder is the letter U.