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Q: What legendary Pokemon do you get in black 2?
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What is the main legendary in Pokemon Black 2?


Who is the legendary Pokemon in black?

The legendary of Pokemon Black ( Reshiram )

Is there a legendary Pokemon in abyssal ruins Pokemon black?

Yes, there is if you bring the three legendary birds Zaptos ,Moltress and Articuno and ,bring it to 4th F the legendary Pokemon appearing is Lugia which can be captured! Source: Tried in white 2 and black 2

What legendary Pokemon can you find in black and white 2?

you can get kyurem

What is the name of the new legendary in Pokemon black and white 2?

Black and White Kyruem.

What do you do with the legendary three in Pokemon black?

2 things there is more than 3 legendary Pokemon in the game and nothing is "unlocked" in the game if that is what you are asking

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Who are the two main legendary Pokemon in black and white 2?

It is Kyurem and Reshiram in White 2, and Kyurem and Zekrom in Black 2.

What is the password for the plasma frigate on Pokemon Black 2?

The password can vary between 2202, 7707, 9909, or the names of the legendary pokemon in black and white 2. Have fun. Pokemon black and white 2 is a great game.

How do you catch the legendary pokemon in pokemon black?

You have to defeat the elite four then you can catch the legendary

Can a legendary Pokemon in black lay an egg?

No legendary Pokemon in history can breed. GENDER OR NOT!

What are the legendary Pokemon that you can catch on Pokemon Black?

Zekrom in Pokemon White and Resharim in Pokemon Black.