First, you get to practice your own spelling skills. Second, you learn new words, especially from seeing words your opponent spells. Third, you experience playing a game with rules specific to vocabulary and English language skills.
Yes. Viva is allowed in Scrabble.
the importnace of playing scrabble it can enhance our vocabulary words and also make our mind be strategic ..
Not following the rules, using word generators and cheating are some of the violations in Scrabble.
No, 'xo' is not a valid word in Scrabble. 'xi, xu, ax, and ox' are some of the valid 2 letter words in Scrabble containing 'x'. 'Xo' is valid only if you are playing Clabbers, a variation of Scrabble where and anagram of a proper word is allowed.
The correct spelling is "learnings" without an apostrophe.
what important learnings did you realize when writing your iep
By playing the game of scrabble anybody can improve vocabulary.
In bible-based Christian churches.
gago ka ! Tang ina mo!...
to my learnings i think he ran a 4.97 in the 40
List 5 learning styles
There are several saints named Augustine. Please be specific.
Yes. Viva is allowed in Scrabble.
whatisthe timelimit on scrabble