There are many different kinds of alcohol, and each has its own boiling point. Here are just the first two: Methyl alcohol, (methanol) - B.P. = 64.7 °C, 148.5 F° (337.8 K) Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) - B.P. = 78.4 °C, 173.1 F° (351.6 K)
blood alcohol
V sounds like it starts with a F, if that helps.
A game that starts with f is frisbe
One flying insect that starts with f is the Firefly.
Chicken dish starts with 'f ' is Fried chicken.
TRUE - "French" starts with F and "ENDS" starts with E.
· tequila
A bird that starts with an F is a finch.
There are three types of alcohols, ethyl alcohol, propyl alcohol and methyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is the type that is consumed.