Every kind of Pokemon. The safari zone was designed to bring trainers the thrill of every region, so it contains all Pokemon, except for the new Unova region Pokemon.
to the next gym leader(Thats kind of obvious)
You can capture it in the safari zone but it's kind of rare.I don't have all info but some pokémon sites probably says how to make it happen.
You can try to get the other kind of orb which will get you kyogre and after you get kyogre you can go back there and get rayquaza.
It depends on what kind of egg it is. It takes a certain time for each Pokemon. Togepi eggs are particularly quick to hatch.
A flying-type Pokemon.
Are you talking about area in safari zone( Pokemon emerald) where you can't get unless you complete a game? If you do, you'll find there some of the second generation Pokemon( excluding starter Pokemon chikorita, cyndaquil and totodile)
to the next gym leader(Thats kind of obvious)
NO all you need to go to the safari zone in Pokemon emerald is a pokeblock case which you can get at the contest hall in lilycove city
yes in route 3 and 4 and the safari zone but its kind of uncommon
there arnt any new Pokemon but you can catch all 493 Pokemon
these are called shiny pokemon... They're kinda speicial.
Yes (in fact, there is a every kind of discolored Pokemon), but you have to search for an eternaty. I found a golden lediba in Pokemon silver and eventuali evolved it to a golden ledian so its highly possible, i wasnt even looking for anything.
the kind of pokeball you can get from red apricorns is a level ball. with this pokeball you can get Pokemon that have lower level than your Pokemon i hope i helped! :-)
I think that it is the Moon Ball.
Nope. You can not purchase stones of any kind in regular Gold/Silver.
Houndour, Houndoom, Lillipup, Herdier, and Stoutland. I only found these Pokemon in Pokemon platinum and black.