Ekans is snake backwards.
Arbok sounds like cobra backwards.
There is no generally agreed name for these reverse-order anagrams, but they are often called semordnilaps(palindrome backwards), anadromes, or reversgrams.Some common semordnilaps aredog-Goddon-noddub-budmood-doomdiaper-repaiddrawer-reward
cinos is sonic backwards.
╕ f backwards
Professor Backwards's birth name is James Edmondson.
The name “bob” spelled backwards would have the same name, as “bob”.
The word or name backwards is yekcim, with no obvious significance.
It spells the female given name "Amy" backwards.
WikiAnswers spelled backwards is srewnaikiw. Wolfquest spelled backwards is tseuqflow.
If you can spell your last name by spelling your first name backwards, it's called a palindrome, where a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same forwards as backwards.
Hannah backwards reads the same as forward, and is an example of a palindrome.
Yes you can spell Hannah backwards. Hannah = Hannah
nokuy is Indian for backwards, so they made it backwards and called it Yukon
Her name is Hailee Truesdell, eeliah is her name backwards
its Eric backwards