Lol, mine is 928:1 by freezing bots :P
All knife kills.
My UN-cheating KDR is somtin like 100:1
Easy Mode :P
Expert is like 20:1
Im new anyways :P
The highest possible KDR (kill-death ratio) in Black Ops varies for all game modes. The highest possible KDR for one match of team deathmatch is 75 - 0 (75 kills and no deaths).
A good KDR is 1.2 and up, depending on how you look at it. The average KDR (Kill/Death Ratio) is 1.00. This means you go 1-1 on average. Every time you die, you will have earned one kill. 1.00 is no-matter-what ALWAYS average unless the amount of hackers out-weigh the normal K/D ability. Once this occurs, the average will probably be about 0.01 less or more. A GOOD KDR is about 1.2 and up. Personally I am a 1.4 (well above average).
Version 1.0: November 1, 2000 Version 1.1: March 13, 2001 Version 1.3: September 12,2001 Version 1.4: April 24, 2002 Version 1.5: June 12, 2002 Version 1.6: September 15, 2003 Counterstrike Source: November 1, 2004
Cod:MW, Dota 2, Counterstrike-Source, Garrys mod, TF2, Gta:VC, GTA:SA, GTA I, GTA II, etc.
Baxstar is a well-known combat arms player whop is ranked major and with an amazing 2.75 kdr. He has over 5o youtube videos. he is 19 years old and is called alex. add me in game too! name: Celaloth, MSG with 1.22kdr Clan:Ausgamingprodigy
KDR Melbourne was created in 2009-06.
OK kdr is kill death rate so yeah tha bigger your death rate is the more u have
Check your KDR by going to your combat record, going left to "weapons" and your Kill Death Ratio is listed in one of the columns
on ps3 Knighthawk34
Kill Death Rate
you cannot download counterstrike beacause that is premium
There's no counterstrike for kids. If kids want to have it, they have to download it illegal
camping in capture the flag
kill-death-ratio yea campers eat my ****
Don't die much and kill many enemies.