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Yellowism is an autonomous phenomenon in contemporary visual culture. It derived from the visual arts and despite this fact, is not classified as art, what is in accordance with its essence. It was defined in 2010 by Marcin Łodyga and Vladimir Umanets. Characteristic feature of yellowism is the lack of a creative element. All manifestations of yellowism are about yellow, are identical in content and differ only in terms of form. Pieces of yellowism are cause of expansion of yellowism and are not the result of the creative process and evolution. Yellowism can easily be seen as a kind of art or creativity; however, such thinking belies its true nature. Yellowism can be presented only in the special yellowistic chambers. Yellowistic chamber is a closed room with violet walls that is not an art gallery and because of its nature, cannot exist or be presented in an art gallery. On 15th Nov 2010 in Cairo, in the Natalia Vodianova Yellowistic Chamber was opened the first exhibition of yellowism called "Flattened to yellow", on which, for the first time, the Manifesto of Yellowism was presented. The opening date of this exhibition is considered as the beginning of yellowism.

On 7th of October 2012 in Tate Modern Gallery in London Vladimir Umanets signed a Mark Rothko painting ("Black on Maroon") by writing on it the words "Vladimir Umanets, A Potential Piece of Yellowism".

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yellow is one of the various colors the human eye can see and is a primary color, this means making up many other colors. For Example:

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10y ago

Yellowing is the process by which something is made (naturally or artificially) yellow.

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10y ago

Yellowness is the state or quality of being yellow, or an obsolete word for jealousy.

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Clear yellowness in eyes?

Well sometimes the reason for yellowness in eyes is because you smoke.. So you could stop smoking and drink lots of water and take lots of vitamins!!

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since you have the wheat stuff for them, just exchange it with a new one.

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age, brightness , color, bubblyness, yellowness , and heet

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It means hue (color). I.e. redness, yellowness, greenness, blueness etc.

How do i get white hair I have a light yellow hair already bleached and I've read that a violet silver or white toner can lift the yellowness and leave it white?

Peroxide will turn your hair completely white, without the yellow-ish tint.

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Some words that rhyme with "hollowness" are loneliness, closeness, and boldness.

Hot to remove yellowness of teeth?

Teeth are naturally not white, the color is intrinsic meaning within. the only way to change the color of one's teeth is to bleach them, you can do this at your dentist's office or with over the counter bleaching kits. A trip to the dentist is the best place to start.

Is bad teeth hereditary?

Yes, gaps can be hereditary. They can also be caused by several other things. But definitely are hereditary also.

Can medication make your eyes and skin yellow?

It's every true, some drugs causes lysis of red blood cells or haemolysis and this results in the skin colour changes. But mostly yellow colour is associated with low haemoglobin in the blood. Eranda alex

What is the bloom color of the Yellow Lady's Slipper Orchid?

Yellow is the bloom color of the Yellow Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium calceolus).Specifically, this wild orchid does not vary in bloom color. The flowers always display a bright yellowness that stands out in a vegetational crowd. The color forms a beautiful contrast with the lush green of the plant's stout stem and thick leaves.

Why the yellow coloration occurs in the whites of the eye andor skin in a jaundiced patient?

Yellow coloration of the skin is a common symptom of jaundice. Bile which the liver produces and is normally excreted into the intestines is what causes the yellowness is not able to be passed out of the body via its normal route and therfor is carried in the blood and comes out on the skin and is seen in the whites of the eyes..the cause of the jaundice relates to a problem with the persons liver or gallbladder

According to Mendel a cross between two round yellow peas both with the genotype RrYy would result in mostly peas?

Both round and yellow. This is because roundness (R) and yellowness (Y) are dominant traits and would mask the recessive traits for wrinkledness and greenness. The genotype RrYy results in a 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio of round yellow, round green, wrinkled yellow, and wrinkled green peas.