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virtual gaming, is when the game you play immerses you into the world of 'Virtual' as some gamers like to call it, it's when you are in a game, but you are 'life-size' to the models, most virtual games, include a 'helmet' which you wear to "see" the game.

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its a computer game where u can chat build play have babbys shop hang at some restraunt ride cars go to school

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13y ago

A virtual game is a game that takes a long time like club penguin, moshi monsters, bin weevils etc. you can create your own character and there is quests, rooms, friend pages etc.

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I. Virtual assets are intangible items that can be bought or sold with real cash to enhance a video gaming experience or make some extra cash, there is real money to be spent and gained.

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There is some games i find ok there is and hope this helps xx Happy Gaming!! xx

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