unown's hidden power is simple: it works the same as any other hidden power.
so if your in a cave i think the move's type is dark, on or under water is water,
forest and grassland is grass, on rocky ground of course is ground or rock.
I've played since 2003 and I am still not sure.
if you catch all 28 unknown, including the exclamation mark and question mark unowns, the unowns will spell the alphabet and question & exclamation mark unowns i really dont know what they do.
the ruin maniac guuy digs a new tunnel and new unowns come.
they are Pokemon shaped like letters
you get pregnant
If your Pokemon can't learn grass, it's your only hope, but Unown only has one move which is Psychic Hidden Power, so I think Psychic's hidden power is better than Grass.
you must have all 26 unowns. then if the prof. has do the 9e intevention you must talk to him. then you must go to the main entrance. then a hidden door is open. (behind the ladder)
u catch unowns in the Solaceon ruins
Unowns are only catchable in firered and leafgreen trade one to emerald to have it.
if you catch all 28 unknown, including the exclamation mark and question mark unowns, the unowns will spell the alphabet and question & exclamation mark unowns i really dont know what they do.
the ruin maniac guuy digs a new tunnel and new unowns come.
~ Seed Flare ~ Earth Power ~ Air Slash / Psychic ~ Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ice / Grass Knot ~ Seed Flare ~ Earth Power ~ Air Slash / Psychic ~ Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ice / Grass Knot
Animals hidden in the sentence power to the animals is the hyena.
How about "magic"?
Same as the alphabet, then ? and !.