The letters 'tademlilo' can be unscrambled to spell the word metalloid. Metalloid is a type of element in chemistry.
Those letters will spell heating.
The letters 'isrdefn' unscrambled can spell the following words:FindersFriends
The letters 'talinger' can be unscrambled to spell the following words:AlertingAlteringIntegralRelatingTriangle
The letters 'tinoreiicppat' unscrambled spell the word precipitation.
The letters 'yptreo' unscrambled spell the word poetry.
The anagram is "element."
The anagram is element.
The one-word anagram is bromine, a chemical element.
The letters 'tademlilo' can be unscrambled to spell the word metalloid. Metalloid is a type of element in chemistry.
Use of conceits
Sound and Graphic elements
Those letters can be used to spell "unununium", which was the temporary name for element 111, now officially known as roentgenium.
Those letters will spell heating.