The word noob (which is different to "newb" or "newbie") is a disrespectful term that is commonly used in the ORPG "RuneScape".
There are noob's in every game an thing out there... GTFO NOOB!
The "Old English" Word For Noob. Usually meaning someone is unintelligent or lacks common sense. Mainly used in online gaming. Call of Duty has many of these.
Of course not. It's just an insult. If somebody is being annoying or just acting downright dumb then people call them a noob. Noob is different from newb. If you call somebody a newb its because they are new and annoying. Hope this helped!
then your a noob
There are two kinds of noobs; a new person and a ROBLOX noob. In this question the noob means the ROBLOX noob; which means a idiot. Ask people on ROBLOX if I am right. This is how you get a ROBLOX noob out of your house: KILL HIM!! (If you are on ROBLOX :P)
FC stands for Full Combo or 100%
Shoob is a variation of the word "noob" which translates to be: sh*t noob. Sh*t being the synonym for fecal matter.
There is no word in Spanish for noob but suck would be chupar so it would be noobs chupar
if u play it ur a noob type in why is noob a word and then ul no what noob means ya noobs
One common meaning of the word 'noob' is for someone who is an amateur in the world of video gaming.
It means you are new to something. Noob = Newbie = New person.
Noob means newbie mostly. It could mean possibly like, dork. Someone unpopular, new, if your playing a game and your a low level that would mean your a noob.
it means your a noob.
There are several words that mean "one who is new." There's the slang word "noob," and then there's "neophyte," "novice," "beginner," etc.
oh my f**king god and noob means "new player" or "New to something" so dont be offended from "noob" Though true, OMFG noob means your being iritible to the person who said "omfg noob..."
it means ur a noob noob and pwn means u got owned wich orgirnated from cat witch came from lamp
Noob is just telling someone that they're are 'bad' or 'not good' in another way .It depends on how you say it , and who you say it too
froob, nub, and fruity