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Q: What is the word for turning lead into gold?
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What are the release dates for Treasure Quest - 2009 Turning Lead Into Gold 1-5?

Treasure Quest - 2009 Turning Lead Into Gold 1-5 was released on: USA: 12 February 2009

How do you make a dinosaur in alchemy?

alchemy is turning lead into pure gold. not making animals. . )

Was gold obtained from mercury in Japan in 1924?

It can and it has been done but turning lead into gold costs more than buying the gold alone. You see? Lead has 82 isotopes and gold has 79. So lead is 3 isotopes away to be converted into gold. But it cost less buying it as it comes from earth.

What was the basic interes of alchemist during alchemy period?

Turning lead into gold, and creating the philosopher's stone.

Can alchemy transmute one element into another element?

It can and it has been done but turning lead into gold costs more than buying the gold alone. You see? Lead has 82 isotopes and gold has 79. So lead is 3 isotopes away to be converted into gold. But it cost less buying it as it comes from earth.

Chemically turn lead into gold this process is called?

The process of turning lead into gold through alchemy is called transmutation. However, transmuting lead into gold is not realistically feasible or economically viable using current scientific knowledge.

Why did they preform alchemy?

The purpose of alchemy was to turn common metals into valuable metals. For example - turning lead into gold

Who sees the alchemist turn lead into gold?

The alchemist typically works alone or in secret, so the process of turning lead into gold is not often observed by others. It is a closely guarded secret known only to a select few.

Why is it not possible to turn lead into gold by chemical reaction?

Turning lead into gold by chemical reaction is not possible because the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom determines its element. Lead has 82 protons, while gold has 79 protons. Thus, changing lead into gold would require changing the number of protons, which is not possible through a chemical reaction.

Four letter word for battery metal?

Iron, lead, zinc, gold.

What is the Hebrew word for gold?

lead (the metal) = oferet to lead (verb) = lehadrikh or lehovil

What was the proces of transforming lead into gold?

There is no process to make gold out of lead.