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Q: What is the word for people who care about other people?
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What word do you get if you unscramble the word care?

The letters in 'care' will also spell acre and race.

Why do people care about other people?

Mostly selfishness, and sin.

Is it bad to love and care for other people other than your family?

Of course not. You should care somewhat about everyone and be kind to people. thereis absolutely nothing wrong with caring about other people outside of your family. you love and care for your friends dont you?

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What is the role of clergy?

The word clergy has a fascinating history, but essentially the word means a person assigned to take care of people in a church. The tradition of a group of people who were assigned to take care of the needs of the people of the church is first seen in Acts 6:1-5. The word as it is used today comes from the French who set these people aside from taxes and other common roles in society, saying that their purpose was to praise God.

Is child care one word or two?

Is the correct spelling care givers or caregivers? If one word is a verb, and the other is a noun, it should be hyphenated. care-givers

What is a word for people who use other people?

Manipulator is a word that can be used to describe a person that uses other people.

Why do people kill other people when they are in drug?

cuz when they r on them they dont care bout people all they care bout is drugs and themselves

What word would it be if you show compassion if you care about the feelings of people?


Why are homeless people not helped by the council?

Because the council doesn't care about other people, they just care about themselves and their money.

What is another word for person you babysit for?

The children you care for are your "charges."

What is it called when you care what other people think of you?
