What a person intends or plans to do
There are no English words that meet that criteria.
join, meet
yes. you will always be able to find it, its just about if you're lucky enough or not.
A shortage.
When a firm makes a profit by producing enough goods to meet demand without having leftover supply the point of profit is where marginal revenue equals marginal cost.
there were not enough indentured servants to meet the demands
to produce enough goods to meet demand while making a profit
to produce enough goods to meet demand while making a profit
There is not enough of something (supply) to meet the demand. This prdonarily means that the price of that commodity will rise.
to produce enough goods to meet demand while making a profit
The point where supply and demand meet is called market equilibrium.
The company plans to increase its production capacity by 20% next year to meet growing demand.
Scarcity is the result of having too little of a product to meet the demand for it.
If a producer is unable to meet the demand for a certain product, then either there will be other producers of the same product who will meet the demand, or if not, then there will be a shortage. Prices will rise.