The word for illegal manoeuvre in sport is a foul. The referee will either warn or penalize the offender depending on the magnitude of the foul.
Some sport words which begin with the letter N are netball net nationals
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The unscrambled word is feint.Feint is a distracting or deceptive manoeuvre, such as a mock attack in boxing.
They have always been illegal
in basketball it is illegal to goal tend.
Most people hate to manoeuvre heavy objects but i find it rewarding
* a plan for attaining a particular goal * A manoeuvre, or action calculated to achieve some end;
* a plan for attaining a particular goal * A manoeuvre, or action calculated to achieve some end;
When your manoeuvre is to source answers on the web, you must be careful to avoid plagiarism.
manoeuvre war fare and manoeuvrist approach
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