The word is change. One thing will influence to change another thing.
Not a phrase but a word. Unique.
A person who says one thing but does another is called a hypocrite.Saying to do this, and doing another is making someone a hypocrite
Probably isn't one, but another word for swear is "cuss."
One word could be adventurist. Another could be explorer. One more could be traveler.
The word "batering" does not have a standard definition in the English language. It may be a misspelling or a variant of the word "bartering," which refers to the exchange of goods or services without using money. If you meant "bartering," it is a system of trade where goods or services are exchanged for other goods or services without the use of money.
You can tell if one object has more mass than another by comparing their weights. The object with a greater weight typically has more mass. You can also compare the density of the objects - denser objects usually have more mass.
Friction is the force that opposes the motion of one object sliding over another. It is caused by the roughness of the surfaces in contact with each other.
Comparing one motion to another.
An accultation is another word for an occultation, an astronomical event in which one celestial object is hidden by another which passes between it and the observer.
No, its not personification. Its actually a simile since it uses the word "as".
A lever balance is used to measure mass by comparing the weight of an object on one side of the lever to a set of known weights on the other side. The lever is adjusted until the two sides are balanced, indicating that the weights are equal and providing the measure of the object's mass.
The word is "gravity." It refers to the force of attraction that exists between any two masses, and it is responsible for pulling objects toward the center of another object, such as the Earth.
one complete circular movement made by one object around another object
A balance or a scale is typically used to measure mass in a laboratory. These instruments provide an accurate measurement of an object's mass by comparing it to a known standard.
Sure, if one object presses down on another object.
one object has greater density than another when it has