It is definitely possible. I've done it is my method:Create a program that captures an image of the game window. Then, have the program convert the image to black and white, and then an array of booleans, representing either white or black with either 0 or 1. Then, manually, write down the strings or 1s and 0s for each horizontal row of a word (VERY time-consuming). Insert this into an array in the program, have it search the array of booleans, and locate the word. Then, have the program drag the words to the others. For me, this works half the time.
Half a dozen.
"What is th"What is the word for the person who goes to library but sits idle there?"e word for the person who goes to library but sits idle there?" "What is the word for the person who goes to library but sits idle there?"
A word for a hundred years is a century. A word for fifty years is half a century.
In English, at the present time, there is no word for partly black. "Part black" is not a word for being half white and half black; it's a adjective. "Mixed" is as close as you can get. People that are half black and half white refer to themselves usually as "black", because, allegedly, mixed race people in this country are treated as if they are black exclusively. I don't agree but that's what most people say. To me, Obama is half white and half black. Most people, including the President, refer to him as black even though his mother was 100% white.
As in "white man" "black man" racially, the answer is "Weißer" for male person and "Weiße" for a female.
The truth is it's an opinion; not a fact. It depends on the person. Some white people don't mind being called the C-word by a black person. And some white people are insulted when a black person calls them the C-word. Once a black man asked me: "What's c*****r?" and I was offended. I didn't dare tell him because I was afraid he might get mad and it might turn into a fight. Underneath it all I wanted to give him s***.
The baddest word in the world is wigger. it means a white person trying to act like a black person. Anybody know a good hentai site if you do
a person with one white and one black parent, a late 16th century Spanish word
Yes. It means someone who is lazy. It could be a black, white, red, or yellow person, anyone. Or at least it used to be a word and meant that.
no and even though i am white i prefer the word African American and not what you used
That word is 'hermaphrodite'.
A person with one black and one white parent. The term, mostly archaic, was applied to any biracial offspring, but more specifically to those of mixed black parentage, often to disenfranchise them or restrict their rights. or A person with parents of different races
The term "wigger" is a derogatory slang term that combines "white" and a certain racial slur, used to refer to a white person who adopts aspects of black culture in a way that is seen as inauthentic or offensive. It is considered offensive and should be avoided.
When the black and white people used to fight they used to stand with whites on one side and (blacks) on the other side and they used to say "BLACK BLACK AND WHITE BLACK BLACK then the other word for blacks WHITE COMMON other word for blacks NOW LETS FIGHT." that what they used to do so yeah!:)