Since neither Pikachu, nor Raichu learn any speed boosting moves, so far as I know (Agility, Rock Polish, etc), the best way, is to get a Pikachu with a nature that raises Speed, EV train it for speed, and hopefully have decent IV's. Then evolve it. If you rely on TM's for it's Movesets, you can evolve a bred Pikachu at Level 1, thereby getting slightly higher stats, than if you evolved it later.
There are four. Timid, Hasty, Jolly and Naive.
The only legit way to acquire a Speed Boost Torchic is through the Dream World once it has been released as a distribution.
Snowshoes are not an item available in any Pokemon game (That i know of) When you are in snow, the speed at which you walk is always kept that slow, you cannot change it, it is just the game.
Catch a ghastly from the haunted mansion in Eterna forest. Level it until it learns mean look, or it may already know it. If you're using it to catch the fleeing Pokemon like Cresselia then you'll have to level it quite high for its speed to be adequate to keep up. for An extra speed boost battle fast Pokemon like golbat to build up your speed EV's. Well u could jus give ur gastly with mean look a quick claw wich should be a lot eaysier than tranning it up to like 60 and u could give it speed potions to
raicha pokemon's speed can go up to 2
No, Scizor is incapable of learning Extreme Speed in Pokemon Platinum.
hell yah!! raichu is one of my best so far. raichu's sp.attk is really good and speed to. my raichu has thunder bolt, thunder, brick break and iron tail. for more info about raichu or any other Pokemon go to this site right here. it is the best Pokemon site out there for me:
By leveling up your Pokemon or by giving it carbos.
x speed
There are four. Timid, Hasty, Jolly and Naive.
If yanma is your allie
The only legit way to acquire a Speed Boost Torchic is through the Dream World once it has been released as a distribution.
Of course Raichu, I have one and a Pikachu and Raihu is better! Pikachu is better because it can learn the move thunder and its speed is the greatest. I have a level 127 Pikachu and it moves are thunderbolt iron tail quick attack and volt tackle and because of its attack I have beaten the champion 500x times with only that pokemon. But if you think Raichu is better you should let Pikachu learn the move thunder because Raichu cant learn that move.
If by broadband, you mean high-speed internet, then you need that, and you also need a wireless router in order to use Wi-Fi in Pokemon Platinum.
Keep battling. Use Lucky Egg or Rare Candies to speed things up.