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There are 40 levels that you beat using the screen clues.

(see video related link below)

1. click button 6 times

2. click each letter e-s-c-a-p-e (no button)

3. click 1-2-3-4-5-6 (up)

4. click left-right 6 times (pecking bird)

5. click f-i-v-e (this x)

6. click letters e-s-c-a-p-e when light on (green light=go)

7. click e-s-c-a-p-e, toggling each letter until green (tricolor)

8. click four squares that rotate to make an 8

9. just wait (don't move)

10. spell p-e-a-c-e with the letters (peace)

11. spell "eleven" using the four buttons (elvn), use E three times

12. click and light letters e-s-c-a-p-e by clicking the button after each letter

13. click numbers to display 4-5-3 (number of sides of three shapes)

14. click the door three times (knock knock knock)

15. click ONLY the s and the p (toggles adjacent letters on and off)

16. spell "escape" on buttons (5-19-3-1-11-5 are numeric letter positions)

17. click letters to spell escape in yellow (toggles color as on 7)

18. click and hold button (hold on)

19. click two buttons to light each letter: click first-last, second-last, third-last, fourth-last, fifth-last, sixth-last

20. spell "twenty" on the buttons (20!)

21. move your cursor continuously until escape lights up (move!)

22. form the number "22" using the crystal display (click all but two of the segments)

23. click e-s-p-e (letters toggle other letters on or off)

24. click n (up), right, left, n, right left, down (spelling new news with directionals)

25. press buttons to make 1-9-5 (neo=one, neni=nine, vife=five)

26. press s-e-e-p-a-c (see pac!)

27. press 4th button 4 times (4 x 4)

28. press button - when you release, green stays on for a second - quickly click on escape one letter at a time - you might have to turn on again (green=go fast)

29. press buttons to make 040 (total) - there are 40 levels

30. click first button from one to six times before pressing second button

31. click right, left, up, left, left (spell "we see" using upside-down directionals)

32. press buttons to make 4-2-7 (roufwotneves = fourtwoseven)

33. click a and then c (letters toggle others on or off)

34. click first button to turn on e, then "walk it down" using the third button. Repeat process as you light e-p-a-c-s-e from right to left.

35. click the letter buttons o-t-t-f-f-s-s-e-n-t (123...) first letters of number names

36. knock (click door) 4 times, each time a little higher on the door (4x knock up)

37. click e once, s twice, c three times, a four times, and so on (1x1, 2x2)

38. form the letters ESCAPE from the crystal (40x) = 40x escape

39. press center button (turns on A) then use the right and left buttons to move the lighted letter to either side, lighting up e, then s, c, e, p, finally a

40. press the buttons 4-0-x-e-s-c-a-p-e

(see related video link below)

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Aurec Dunn

Lvl 2
4y ago

click buttons in this order:123456

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Lvl 1
4y ago

1: Keep on clicking until you get "escape"

2. Click the letters to spell "escape"

3. Click 1, then 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

4. Click the left button once to light a letter, press the right button to keep the letter lit, and do so with the other letters

5. Press f, i, v, and then e.

6. When the light is lit, click the letters quickly as you can to spell "escape"

7. There is a color code??? Oh-no! Oh, really, oh-no? Click the letters until they're green to escape!

8. Click to rotate the letters to make the number "8"

9. Don't move the mouse, duh.

10. Click p, the last e, a, c, then the last e and the s will automatically light up.

11. Click e-l-e-v-e-n

12. Click the letter and then click the button to keep the letter lit and do so until you get "escape".

13. Put in 4-5-3 (4+5+3=12. wow).

14. Knock on the door three times.

15. Click s and p.

16. Spell "escape" with the letters.

17. Color code again. Spell escape in yellow.

18. hold on to the button, as it says.

19. Press the first button, then the last, and click the last button after clicking the second, third, 4th, 5th, and then sixth.

20. Spell twenty with the letters.

21. make the cursor move a BUNCH.

22. Digitally spell "22" with the clock creator, as I call it.

23. It's like level 15, but way different! Try different combinations (sorry you didn't get an answer)!

24. Click the n, then the right point button, then the left point button. Then do the same, but then click the lowest button.

25. Put in 1-9-5.

26. Press the letters it tells you too (s, e, e, p, a, c).

27. Click the first three buttons 6 times, then click the 4th button 5 times.

28. Hold down the button to power the light for a limited time. In that time, click the letters!

29. 0-4-0 for the numbers (escape 40 times! LOL)

30. Click the first number once, then click the last number. Increase the number of clicks for the first button (1, 2, 3, etc.) every time you click the last button.

31. Like level 24, but flipped. Click the right button (w), then the left button (e), then the top button. Click E 2 times.

32. 4-2-7 for the numbers (roufwotneves=four-two-seven).

33. Try this level like lvl*. 23 (click a bunch)


34. The first button keeps the lights on, the second one puts the lights on backwards, and the third button puts the lights on forward. Click them! (sorry for no proper answer, I'm just lazy! Give a downvote for this if you want to, I won't care.)

35. Click the beginnings of the numbers (one=o, two=t, and so-on) in order.

36. Each time you click, go up.

37. Click each number a number of times for what place it is in (first e=1 click, s=2 clicks, and so-on) in order.

38. Digitally spell "escape".

39. The middle one spawns a light at the "a", the 1st one makes the lights go backwards, and the last one is obvious to guess. Spell "escape" with these!

40. You will escape soon! Click 4, 0, and spell "40x escape" with the letters.

YOU WIN! Please give an upvote and/or downvote for this please!

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Lvl 1
4y ago

what is the answer for 3

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